Now is your chance to get your hands on some Derrick Snodgrass originals! Sponsored by PBR, which always guarantees a good time.
Youth In Decline Ultra Super Party Time
Whoah whoah whoah you’re not going to want to miss this one. Superduperstars from Youth In Decline’s Frontier series will be here partying and celebrating the release of TWO new books, by Tunde Adebimpe and Derek Yu. Event of the century!
January 2019 – Art Test Group Show
SHQ asked artists from around the world to create new pieces that riff on their original “Art Test”. We sent out our own version of the test and will display the pages we got in response.
Read moreCraig Gleason's Ghouls Galore Art Show
Craig Gleason's Ghouls Galore Art Show
Friday, June 3rd
Beginning at 7pm
Artist, collector, knucklehead, founder of Bad Guys Club, and Surprise Skateboards collaborator Craig Gleason will be showing original artwork and prints, as well as a new zine!
Mike Guerrero Art Show!
Mike Guerrero Art Show
July 1
This Austin, TX painter and skateboard enthusiast will be showing some original gouaches at SHQ! Original art and pins designed especially for SHQ now for sale in store and through our online shop.
Cruisin' Los Angeles Art Show
Cruisin' Los Angeles Group Art Show
Curated by Valley Cruise Press
Friday, December 4th
@ Secret Headquarters
Beginning @ 7pm
We are extremely excited to have our buds at Valley Cruise Press curate an art show at SHQ! The line up of artists cannot be beat. It CANNOT. Behold:
- Alex Schubert
- Tuesday Bassen
- Paul Windle
- Adam Villacin
- Austin England
- Matt Gondek
- Luke Pelletier
- Hellen Jo
VCP will also be launching a zine of pieces from the show (plus some other goodies that will be announced soon.) You do not want to miss this show, I promise you, please believe me.
Exhibition: Art By Angie Wang
We are very happy to announce our art show with the extremely talented Angie Wang.
There will be art for sale, and Angie will be premiering a brand new zine!
Stay tuned for more details and art previews.
See you then!
Surprise Group Art Show
Surprise Skateboards and Secret Headquarters are pleased to bring you an extremely bad-ass group art show!
Philip Morgan (UK)
Sean Morris (Australia)
James Jirat Patradoon (Australia)
Come prepared for drinks and merriment.
Geof Darrow Art Show
Here's your opportunity to snag the perfect holiday gift! We have 10 pieces of original art for sale by the wonderful and insanely talented Geof Darrow (Hard Boiled, Shaolin Cowboy, Big Guy and Rusty the Boy Robot.) The gorgeous detail in these drawings really must be seen in person to be believed. For this show, you can take your new art home as soon as you buy it. Artwork will remain on display as long as they are available for purchase.
Shaolin Cowboy and Totoro
14" x 18 3/4"
Shaolin Cowboy and Fish
13 3/4" x 8"
Shaolin Cowboy vs Nazi Baby
17" x 14 1/2"
Shaolin Cowboy Riding Robot
11 3/4" x 22 1/4"
Nixon from Hard Boiled
13 1/4" x 17"
Hard Boiled Fight
18" x 11 3/4"
The Spirit - drawn on velum paper and used in Frank Miller's "The Spirit" movie.
8 1/4" x 17"
4 1/4" x 14 3/4"
Big Guy and Rusty vs Ultraman
11 1/4 x 18"
Rusty Flying
6 3/4" x 12 1/2"
*Please note that all dimensions are approximate; most of Geof's paper has irregular edges. All prices listed include frame.
Nursery Rhyme Comics Book Release & Art Show
@ Secret Headquarters
Friday, October 21st beginning at 7pm
Come on down to SHQ and help us celebrate the release of :01 First Second’s “Nursery Rhyme Comics”!
The anthology features 50 classic nursery rhymes drawn by 50 cartoonists, such as Vanessa Davis, Mike Mignola, Kate Beaton, Craig Thompson, and many more (including the fabulous artists that will be attending the show.)
The following artists will be on hand to sign copies of the book, as well as having their art on display!
Jamie Hernandez, Jordan Crane, Jen Wang, Tony Millionaire, Stan Sakai, and Tao Nyeu.
We are beyond excited to have so many talented artists at the release party. Join us, won't you?
For more info on this wonderful new book, check out
"Supers" by Timothy Garrett @ SHQ
@ Secret Headquarters
Friday, September 9th beginning at 7pm
The Secret Headquarters presents "SUPERS", a typographic exploration into the world of the comic. Graphic illustrator Timothy Garrett has re-imagined and reinvented classic comic book logos in his own colorful and innovative style. There will be art for sale, as well as incredibly cool shirts with matching canvas bags.
Come join Tim and the SHQ gang for a drink to celebrate the opening!
Check out more of Tim's artwork at
Jeffrey Brown Art Show
@ Secret Headquarters
Friday, July 29th from 7- 9pm
We are very excited to announce our next art show with the one and only Jeffrey Brown! Jeff will be here at SHQ with some awesome zombified Beatles art for sale. We'll also have packs filled with sketches, notes, storyboards, and other bits and pieces of Jeff's art process.
The show will be up until the end of August, but make sure to join us Friday, July 29th for our opening night. There will be much drinking and rabble-rousing (and drinking.) See you there!
Monster Tea Party
Holly Conrad wishes she had a space ship and a mage tower. She can't have those, so instead she spends her time making monsters and playing video games. You may have seen her creatures and costumes on the floor at Comic-con, and now you can check out her creations right here at Secret Headquarters! Wooo!
Join us at the Monster Tea Party opening: Friday, May 20th at 8pm. Beverages will be on hand to keep the creatures subdued...
Come as a monster and get a prize!!! No kidding.
Monsters will be on display for a limited time. See them sooner then later.
The Art of S. Britt
The Art of S.BRITT
Print Show
NOW on display @ Secret Headquarters
Prints were produced in a signed and numbered run of 3 per image.
Prints are available framed for $40 each.
A few key words taken from the bio of S.Britt:
door-to-door doormen
randy ghost
filthy little fingers
juvenile delinquents
abnormal child psychiatrists
school mascots
poor sap
starving artist
“Hot Cross Buns”
pretty lousy student
mundane curriculum
disgruntled teachers
burnt-out instructor
pep talk
Kathy Lee Gifford
freelance illustration
Prints will be on display at Secret Headquarters until we decide otherwise...
Do not be foolish punks, grab them while you can!
The Art of Malachi Ward
Friends! It has been some time since our last opening event. How are you? Great. Nice to hear. As I was saying, please join us in viewing the amazing art work of Malachi Ward by attending his opening at Secret Headquarters this Friday March 4th. Don't bother looking up Malachi Ward because all you'll find about him is that he lives with his wife in a tiny apartment in Pasadena. Its not much to go on but trust us when we tell you that you will be giddy with excitement when viewing the walls of SHQ this Friday. Or it could just be the drinks. Oh, there will be drinks.
The Art of Malachi Ward
Opens Friday, March 4th, from 7 - 9pm
Henry and Glenn Forever
The Igloo Tornado
Friday, April 30th, 2010
Art Show and Book Release Party
(Tom Neely-Scott Nobles-Gin Stevens)
Henry and Glenn Forever is the ridiculous idea born out of a night of too many beers shared by a group of artists who sometimes call themselves The Igloo Tornado. On that night Gin Stevens said "There should be a Tom of Finland book, but with Henry and Glenn..." and Tom Neely and Scot Nobles replied: "Yes! And we're going to do it!" This bold idea (or is it a bad idea?) became a small zine that grew into a notorious legend that has now become a nice little book published by Cantankerous Titles.
In order to keep the artists calm and in the room we will be serving our usual whiskey and beer extravaganza. The festivities start at 8pm and will go until Glenn or Henry decide that they have had enough of this nonsense...
Secret Headquarters will have the original art work on hand for the month of May as well as copies of the now, somewhat notorious, Henry and Glenn Forever book.
Lisa Hanawalt
Friday, February 5th, 2010
Secret Headquarters presents
The Art of
Friday Feb 5th
Lisa Hanawalt is some girl from Palo Alto, CA who has a fancy art degree from UCLA. When Lisa isn't seen drawing at the Buenaventura booth, or freezing in New York, she can be found creating work for The Believer, McSweeney's, Vice Magazine, etc. The Secret Headquarters team thinks Hanawalt's work is top notch amazing.
Do not fool around here - get into it!
Join the talented Lisa Hanawalt for a drink or two as she discusses the merits of Indian Jones and the craft of hand painted picture frames.
Friday February 5th
from 8 - 10pm
The Morally Questionable Cartoons of Ivan Brunetti
Ivan Brunetti
Friday, January 8th, 2010
Secret Headquarters now has original artwork by Ivan Brunetti on display until February 4th!
SHQ will also be offering a very, very (I mean less then 25) limited edition set of 4 brand new Brunetti prints. Each one panel gag has been created specifically for this show. The prints feature never before seen artwork by Ivan Brunetti with printing by Jordan Crane.
The Art of Mike Mignola
Mike Mignola
Friday, December 4th, 2009
We, at Secret Headquarters, could not be more excited to present the artwork of Eisner award winner: Mike Mignola.
Secret Headquarters will have original artwork by Mignola on display one night ONLY.
This Friday December 4th.
SHQ will also be offering a limited edition Mignola illustrated letterpress print made specifically for this show. The prints feature never before seen Hellboy artwork by Mike Mignola with color supervision by Dave Stewart. These 3 color letterpress prints have been beautifully made by Aardvark Letterpress of Los Angeles.
One Night Only
Friday December 4th
from 8 - 10pm
Complementary wine provided by: BEAR FLAG
ATTACK From SPACE Art and Silk Screen Book by JON VERMILYEA
Secret Headquarters
Art and New Silk Screen Book
Friday September 4th at 8pm
Jon Vermilyea is some guy from Brooklyn who studied cartooning at the School of Visual Arts in NYC. This is where Vermilyea accepted one of his first honers by being voted Most Scientific by his classmates. Truly one of the more coveted School of Visual Arts accolades to be bestowed...
When Jon isn't teaching the youth about the values of nutrition with his illustrated BreakfastCrew pamphlets he can be found creating work for PictureBox, Fanatgraphics, Vice Magazine and Mishka clothing to name a few of his prestigious clients...
Please join the talented Jon Vermilyea for a spirited debate on
the merits of sweaty pizza and a drink or two
Friday September 4th
from 8 - 10pm